Plug In IE is the Inland Empire Labor Institute’s workforce development initiative. It was established in 2021 to lead a High Road Training Partnership in sustainable logistics in partnership with Teamsters Local 1932 and the Warehouse Worker Resource Center.


Quality Green Jobs is a regional initiative focused on expanding pathways to union careers in energy and water infrastructure and zero-emissions transportation in Inland SoCal. The Inland Empire Labor Institute convenes unions, community-based organizations, local governments, educational institutions, and employers to build enduring partnerships that place workers from disinvested communities in union jobs. Quality Green Jobs is supported by funding from Jobs for the Future and Ares Charitable Foundation’s CREST Initiative and the Irvine Foundation.
In partnership with the People’s Collective for Environmental Justice, the Inland Empire Labor Institute is conducting research on how truck electrification will affect truck drivers, small businesses, residents, and other stakeholders in the San Bernardino and Riverside metropolitan area. This project is supported by the State of California’s Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP).